Neu Marmol: Cheerleading for Inclusivity

Dan Aquino
4 min readJun 17, 2023

Neuwell Marmol, fondly called Neu by his peers, is a cheerleader and performer, multimedia arts enthusiast, and creative professional working in the PR and advertising field. He graduated from the University of the Philippines’ program in development communication where he closely studied advertising topics in his undergraduate research works. He identifies as a gay man and has been an avid advocate of LGBT rights, inclusivity, and progressive governance. In this article, Neu Marmol shares his story of inspiration and resilience.

What specific advocacies are you most passionate about and what LGBT-related endeavors are you involved with?

As a gay individual, my involvement as a campaigner and volunteer in the recent Philippine Presidential Elections was fueled by my passion for inclusive and progressive governance, which I believe is immesely important in our continuing fight for LGBT rights. Supporting former Vice President Leni Robredo and former Senator Kiko Pangilinan in their bid for presidency and vice presidency, I actively engaged with people who shared the same advocacies through the many communities I am part of, primarily with the Cheerleaders for Leni and Kiko volunteer group. Together, we traveled to various provinces, dedicating our time and expertise to the campaign on a pro-bono basis — “in service of the people” as we often put it in UP when I was in college. Additionally, I helped organize a Cheer Camp last year in Quezon City, where we not only shared our love for the sport of cheerdance, but also promoted our advocacies of fostering an honest and people-committed government.

As a member of the LGBT+, what challenges do you face, and what lessons have come out of these?

I am no stranger to the challenges that can arise from being a homosexual in a largely conservative society. Despite the significant progress made in terms of acceptance and equality, there are still moments when we encounter microaggressions and discrimination. Unsolicited comments and snide remarks can sometimes chip away at our self-confidence and make us question our worth. However, these experiences have taught me the importance of resilience and self-belief. They have strengthened my mental fortitude and enabled me to rise above the negativity. I have learned that taking the high road, responding with grace and dignity, is often the most powerful way to combat ignorance and prejudice.

These challenges have allowed me to become more empathetic and understanding towards others. I have developed a keen awareness of the struggles faced not only by the LGBT community, but also by other marginalized sectors, prompting me to develop an unwavering commitment to fighting for equality and justice. Through these hardships, I have discovered a profound inner strength and a sense of purpose in advocating for the rights and inclusion of individuals who face discrimination and injustice — whether it be on the basis of SOGIE (sexual orientation, gender identity and expression), of race and ethnicity, of religion and spirituality, or of socioeconomic status.

How does your LGBT+ identity impact your work as a creative and branding professional?

The LGBT+ community’s presence in the creative industry brings an extra dimension of authenticity and diversity. The creative industry thrives on the collective contributions of individuals from diverse backgrounds with diverse experiences, valuing resourcefulness, unique perspectives, and cultural insights, and especially, knowledge of the Filipino market. Being part of this vibrant and inclusive space allows me to express myself freely and contribute ideas that resonate with a wide range of audiences.

When working on campaigns that aim to highlight ‘Pride’, I feel grateful to be in a supportive environment where my ideas are valued. Drawing from my personal experiences and understanding of the LGBT market, I can offer valuable guidance on the do’s and don’ts, on how to approach these campaigns with sensitivity, respect, and authenticity. I have witnessed the impact of poorly executed campaigns that unintentionally perpetuate stereotypes or trivialize the struggles faced by the LGBT community. That’s why being able to voice my concerns and help shape more inclusive and meaningful campaigns is incredibly fulfilling. It allows me to utilize my creativity and expertise to foster positive change and create connections that celebrate diversity and promote acceptance.

What is your message to the LGBT youth?

Keep doing you! Keep pushing!

My message is one of utmost support and encouragement. Embrace your unique identity and keep shining your light. The universe will really challenge us but I always believe that we will receive whatever energy we give out. Remember that your authenticity and resilience are your greatest strengths.

In pursuing your dreams, don’t be afraid to break barriers and challenge norms. The creative industry eagerly awaits your fresh perspectives and innovative ideas — go for it! Your unique lived experiences can help shape the narrative and influence societal attitudes. We need more of your fresher takes on things and we need more empowered individuals that can help shape and influence the minds of the Filipino market towards equality and acceptance.

You can inspire positive change and pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future. You are not alone — there are countless others who stand beside you, ready to offer their support and solidarity!

Neu Marmol continues to make ripples of positive change in the PR and advertising field. His achievements as a creative professional resonates with his profound insights and advocacies, inspired by stories of resilience and authenticity from the community. Connect with him and learn more about his meaningful work at



Dan Aquino

Senior Multimedia and UI/UX Designer, Product and Brand Design Manager, Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Design, Certified Marketing Professional